Picture these!
A slice of heaven fell and this is what it looked like: a table at Coliseum Books. A book and a chocolate, two of my favorite things, are on this table. As for the coffee, I'm warming up to it (pun intended).
"The length of paragraph isn't a measure of its intellectual depth. A paragraph expresses a train of thought, and some trains are longer than others. When one gets too long, it should probably be two. If the engine is too far from the caboose, it's handling too much freight." From Words Fail Me, Patricia T. O'Conner The picture on the left partially shows Ronald McDonald hanging himself after losing the case filed against his company for allegedly fattening burger-loving Americans. Unbelievable, I know. Now, are you ready for another incredible tale? Notice the plate of Caesar salad? This is what I, a non-vegetable fan (to put it mildly), ate for lunch. (PS: Only one of the previous statements is true.)
A slice of Mango in the Big Apple: The Philippine Embassy along 5th Avenue. Serendipity is finding this while I was trying to go someplace else. Ten seconds upon entering, I felt like I was in a government office in the Philippines. The front desk officer, busy with a personal phone call (I could hear him so I could tell), was oblivious to me. I had to wait for five minutes before I could ask if I could take pictures. Nevertheless, my heart swelled with love for my country. I'm missing the Philippines. But after the next two days, I won't be.
I know you had that salad! I know it! I have faith in you, my dear. Yum yum. I remember the Sicilian salad at Italliani's......
Di mo kinain ang Salad. :)
Hi Gina, thanks for having faith in me. Yes, I did. Wala kasing rice and spaghetti sa McDo sa States eh.
As for you, Sherry, how could you doubt my vegetable-eating talent? haha.:-) See you Sunday!
aww you're coming back! (hehe, as if naman i see you all the time.) tsssk. sayang. just when i started to love reading your Nanny Posts!! you should stay there a bit longer! hehe. just kiddin :)
have a safe trip ate. God bless! :)
Hi Riz, I could still write the nanny posts while in the Phils. 3 kids here can make me write them. :-) I had a safe trip, thanks. :-)
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