Saturday, February 11, 2006

A year of Shades of Grace

It’s been a year since I wrote my first post and published it under Shades of Grace. Several days—or was it weeks?—before that day in 2005, I was mulling over the idea, debating with myself about this blog thing. Initially, I was content with just visiting the blogs of my more technologically-savvy officemates. Yet as I read their posts and enjoyed the slices of their lives, it has eventually lured me into thinking, “Maybe this is the right time.”

And so I took the plunge and tapped my first ever post. Here’s how "Bike, Swim, Blog" read:

I’ve never learned to bike and to swim for exactly the same reason: fear. Fear of not learning (yes, I can be irrational at times), fear of experiencing discomfort—scraping my knees and swallowing salt water, fear of disappointing whoever will be patient enough to teach me.

This same fear has almost kept me from setting up this blog. Friends have been prodding me to try my writing hand on this fairly new technological phenomenon. Most of the time I just smile and mutter, “I will,” not really saying when. My mind says, “You can do it. You love to write.” But my heart counters: “What if you make a major grammatical error? People would wonder how you could have kept your job all these years! What if your words and experiences are too boring? Not interesting enough? Or worse, what if nobody reads your blog at all?”

The paranoid in me shouts like Goliath taunts young David. Good thing I know my way around my Bible and read how David struck down the giant with one smooth stone from the stream. Maybe, just maybe, I could hush the paranoid in me with one heartfelt, sincere entry.

So here I am, tentative but thrilled, scared but sure. I may never learn how to pedal a bike or swim in the sea. I may never be able to skid through rough terrain or glide gracefully in the water. But I can try to warm your heart, make you smile, challenge your mind. Maybe I can make new friends or reconnect with old ones by bridging the chasm between my keyboard and your screen.

All I can offer are my words.
Come, be my guest.

Fast-forward to 2006, this space in cyber-universe now feels like home. Here I can immortalize feelings and events. When I look back at a particular time, I think about what I wrote in my blog. Just two days ago, while talking with friends about how I’ve been learning to forgive, I recalled a post about stone and sand. When I mentioned to somebody about my trip to Mindanao, I told her about a post entitled "Seven Days in Mindanao." Eighty-two entries can help me do that as these posts remind me of joys and pains, people and places, small delights and grand ideals.

Not having the patience to do a scrapbook, I’m delightfully surprised to realize I’ve maintained a scrapbook of sorts—a scrapbook decorated with words, each page arranged with the gentle tapping of the computer keys. Today, on my blog anniversary, I'm thanking the Creative God who enables me to interact on life with my words. Here's wishing that these words will continue to be true to what they wish to reflect: Shades of Grace, not mine, but His.


Abaniko said...

Happy anniversary! Wow, you lasted this long, huh? Continue to touch your readers with your positive perspectives and Godly thoughts. Blog on...

Beng said...

Yeah, A, I didn't think I'd last this long. I'm not making any forecast till when I'll be here. I'm taking it one post at a time. Salamat for visiting, and for being the first friend I "met" through blogging. Keep on blogging too! :-)

Anonymous said...

Is it really one year already? Parang kailan lang kasi when you told me about your first blog..Anyway, Happy Anniversary and I'm looking forward to more inspiring and thought-provoking blog entries from this space.

Anonymous said...

Happy Anniversary, Beng. Wow, eighty-two entries na ba? May your thoughts and words continue to inspire and challenge and encourage for the glory of God.

Anonymous said...

Hooray! Just keep on blogging Miss beng. ',)

Anonymous said...

happy anniversary ate beng. you don't know how blessed i am to have your blogsite a few clicks away. i guess i shall speak for the rest of your blog audience too.

here's to more masterpieces of His grace in your life. *clink*

God bless po. :)

Beng said...

Hi Nang,
Yeah, parang kailan lang. Time flies so fast when you're having fun. :-) I'm looking forward to writing more entries too. Visit me often--you have to because you're my sis!

Hi Ruben,
Welcome back to the office! 83 entries actually, including this one. I hope this space continues to glorify God--even my not-so-happy posts.

Hi Karina,
Thanks for celebrating with me. I'm glad to stumble into you in the blogosphere too!

Hi Riz,
Thank you, thank you, thank you. You don't know how happy I am with your affirmation. I've said it before and I'll say it again: It makes my slaving my way into the night (when I usually write), writing posts, worth it. I praise God for the words and for the opportunity. :-)

Jen said...

I am glad you started this blog.. your words are encouraging to us... keep on!

sillyserious said...

Happy blog anniv, bengsky! :) 'guess by now u've become a pro "stripper" *wink*

Beng said...

Hi Jen, I feel the same way about your words too--encouraging. I'm happy to have convinced you to return to blogging (you actually started blogging before me, right?) :-)

Hi Aleks, only you would know what my being a pro "stripper" means. haha. Actually, considering what I'm leaving unwritten, I am still very conservative. :-) Thanks for inviting me to the blog neighborhood.