Friday, March 16, 2007

Look, it's a bird

Ian, 7, is doing his assignment. He asks me for words starting with letter Q and I almost told him, "Come back to me when you get to letter S."

Queen. Check, he got that one already.
Quota. No, too complicated. He doesn't know what it means.
Quail. Yes, that could work.

And then I spell it out for him. Q-U-A-I-L.

What's that Tita Beng, is that a bird or a noun? (Or so I heard. I'm blaming it on jetlag. And I think I slept a million braincells to oblivion.)

It's a bird, Ian. It's a bird.

No, Tita Beng. Is it a VERB or a noun?

(I laugh out loud and think, what good is it to have an editor aunt to teach you when she can't hear you?)

Here's another Q word. Q-tips, or in the Philippines, cottonbuds.


Swipe said...


As for your nephew's question, it can be both, right?

bijoi said...

hehehe. can't wait for more stories about your nephew. How are you ate? :)

Beng said...

Hi Swipe, ngayon ka lang yata natawa nang ganyan hehe. At MY expense. joke.

Nope, can't be both. Quail is a noun. :)

HI Ivy, I'm doing okay here. Yun lang, I'm always sporting the lumpia look. Lagi akong nakabalot. :)

Swipe said...

But I read sentences like "She quailed from her angry stepfather," all the time.

oh well...

Anonymous said...

hehe, funny! this one is for Reader's Digest, in Laughter's the Best Medicine section. It's relaxing to be in the presence of kids, and I'm sure you're enjoying yourself there.

Beng said...

You're right, Swipe. Sorry for that. I checked it just now. It's not a common use for the word that I didn't think about it at all, thanks for pointing it out. :) I type[stand] corrected.

Hi Ben, yeah, enjoying myself here. :)